Your corporate “YouTube”

MyCorpTV is a powerful internal company “YouTube”
so that each collaborator can share their own videos.

Enrich your Web TV with all the functionalities of an enterprise “YouTube”:

Open publication to all your collaborators

Speed up the sharing of expertize and the Knowledge Management. Give your collaborators a voice promoting a “User generated content” strategy. Thanks to MyCorpTV, each collaborator manages their own videos. With one click, they upload their videos, manage them and analyze the results.

Offer your collaborators a solution to share secured videos

Each collaborator shares their videos in MyCorpTV but also in other platforms (intranet, groups from your company social network…) in a secured way. Thus, their video will be visible on every support at any time.

Retain control on the users who share videos.

Easily manage your collaborators’ profiles defining who has the right to publish videos and who can only view them.

Moderate shared videos

MyCorpTV offers two simple systems:

Upstream validation: when a user loads a video on MyCorpTV, a validation request is sent to one or several administrators. The video is not accessible on the platform until it has been approved.

Afterward reporting to the community: in case of a “YouTube” operation, you could also set up a reporting system. When a video is shared with your community, each collaborator can report it if considered inappropriate, incorrect or obsolete. A notification is then sent to one or several administrators who approve or delete the video.

Follow and analyze users’ use

MyCorpTV connects with your SSO (Single Signe On) system to secure your videos. Only the identified collaborators have access to private videos shared on the internal “YouTube”. Thanks to this identification, you get to know who published content and who saw what.

Discover all the functionnalities of our internal "YouTube" for companies ! 
Download the product sheet